Happy New Year!
Hello and WELCOME to the first newsletter of my BOCC term for 2020-2022. I am truly excited to represent you and it starts here… with keeping you informed!
Please refer to this newsletter as it will have necessary information as well as valuable links to keep you updated--particularly about Covid-19 and the vaccine.
We have all seen the homeless encampments around Charlotte. I've included in this newsletter links to information on how you can help as well as a link to Mecklenburg County's town hall on homelessness.
Currently, the Board of County Commissioners is having our budget retreat. We will be setting our priorities for the Fiscal Year 2022 and will approve a budget in May. We will be listening to YOU, so please sign up to speak about what you feel we should include. Sign up to speak HERE.
Incidentally, if you don’t want to speak at a meeting, you may always email any commissioner and/or staff member. We welcome public input! You may find email addresses HERE.
I am here fighting for you… equitable parks, mental health, education are only a few among many issues. I’m always here if you need to discuss anything. If you need help navigating anything government-related, please don’t hesitate to email me. I am happy to help.
As always, thank you for your support.
Meier Committee Assignments
Health and Human Services
Economic Development
Intergovernmental Relations
Smart Start (Advisory)
CMS Municipal Education (Advisory)
Mecklenburg County information on the vaccine:
How to Help the Homeless in Mecklenburg County
Homeless Town Hall link: Homelessness Town Hall (mecknc.gov)
Volunteer at Encampment:
Contact Block Love CLT at (980) 288-4895 or Block Love CLT
Be an Employer:
Contact Roof Above at (704) 334-3187 or Roof Above: The merged Urban Ministry Center & Men’s Shelter of Charlotte
Contact Salvation Army at (704) 348-2560, ext. 207 or Salvation Army Charlotte - The Salvation Army (salvationarmycarolinas.org)
Donate Food:
Visit Loaves and Fishes @ 648 Griffith Road
(704) 523-4333 or Loaves and Fishes | Mecklenburg County | Charlotte, NC
Donate Clothing:
Visit one of Goodwill’s donation centers
(704) 372-3434 or Goodwill Industries International, Inc. - Goodwill Industries International
Serve Meals at Shelters:
Contact Salvation Army at (704) 348-2560, ext. 245 or Salvation Army Charlotte - The Salvation Army (salvationarmycarolinas.org)
Donate Financially:
Block Love CLT: (980) 288-4895 or Block Love CLT
Monarch: (704) 986-1536 or Home Page - Monarch NC
Roof Above: (704) 926-0631 or Roof Above: The merged Urban Ministry Center & Men’s Shelter of Charlotte
Salvation Army: (704) 714-4724 Salvation Army Charlotte - The Salvation Army (salvationarmycarolinas.org)
Be a Landlord with Socialserve:
Contact Harry Mack: (704) 323-5540 or Socialserve.com - Find Affordable Housing