My Statement on Roe
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**Please read to the end. And forward to anyone you think needs to read this.**
By now, surely you have heard that the Supreme Court of the United States is poised to strike down Roe v. Wade, the famous case keeping abortion safe, legal and constitutional. It would appear that the justices are throwing it back to the states. That still remains to be seen.
If it becomes the states’ decisions to ban or not to ban abortion, and as long as we have a Democratic governor, NC will be considered a Safe Haven state. Clinics here will be gearing up to support women from states where abortion will be banned. They are already doing it now.
Make no mistake. This has been slowly happening because of the apathy and suppression of voters. Right now, during early voting in the primary, we have abysmal numbers. In 2020, we had the best voter turn-out in history, but it took a treasonous and venomous president to get voters energized. But by then, the damage was done, and that president appointed three Supreme Court justices for life.
Here we are, a mere two years later, and the voter numbers have dropped drastically again.
We must keep anti-choice candidates out of the pipeline of politics. For one, those candidates–from city to county to judges to state– who have anti-choice stances are in the minority and do not represent the majority of Americans (59% of Americans support abortion rights. Click HERE for research). Secondly, at the local and municipal level, those who are running with anti-choice stances and have sights on higher office, will be positioned to vote one day on banning abortion at the state level. These are the same people who value an unborn embryo over a living child as they continue to deny funding to healthcare, education and childcare.
Locally, if NC eventually bans abortion, we will see women of means be able to access safe abortions and women living in poverty will either have to carry through with an unwanted pregnancy or endanger herself to a back-room abortion. Welcome back to 1960.
Why would we vote for anyone who wants to take us backward and not forward?
A woman may seek out an abortion for a myriad of reasons–she is 15 and made a mistake or worse, was raped; or she is 40, single, has two children already and will lose her job; she is 20, in college and was raped; the list goes on and on and on– and it is her choice to do so. HER choice.
We are witnessing a war on women in our lifetime and I’m scared. What is next, equal access to marriage for our LGTBQ+ friends and neighbors?
Once you get over the shock that Roe is about to be overturned, go pick up a neighbor and go vote together. Vote in this primary, the fall election and every election, every race, all the way down the ballot.
And when you research your candidates, make sure they support women. Period. I personally know of several who are running for local office right here in Mecklenburg County in the fall who are anti-choice. Think hard about your vote. Reproductive rights are on the ballot now and this November. Elections matter.
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